Talk about the unrest between police and citizens at home - FREE Resource

Public Domain Image taken by VOA.

Public Domain Image taken by VOA.

What happens when you are watching the news about everything going on in Baltimore and all of a sudden your child walks in and begins to ask questions?  Maybe it is an older child who has talked about the incidents at school.  Maybe you and your spouse are just discussing the events among yourself. Maybe you just want to properly think though some of the issues surrounding what it going on.  

One of the main items at the heart of the recent clashes is the question of the proper use or abuse of authority and how people are to respond to authority.  Living Planted has a great resource to help you think about this topic biblically and discuss it in your home.  Go to our Resources page and click on our Good News Bible study called Abuse and Respect of Authority. Check out our other resources while you are there.